This portal is provided to you as a consumer to execute your information and access rights under the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Please choose below the country where you have been in contact with an entity in the BSH Home Appliance Group and you will then be routed to the local Local Request Form in local language.
If the country/location of the relevant BSH entity is not listed below, please contact the relevant BSH entity directly.
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH
Carl-Wery-Strasse 34
81739 Munich
Dr. Matthias Metz (Chairman)
Dr. Alexander Dony
Rudolf Klötscher
Dr. Thorsten Lücke
Lars Schubert
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, a company with limited liability established in accordance with German law, headquartered in Munich, registered in the commercial register of the Munich local court with the number HRB 75534. A company of the Bosch Group.
VAT identification number: DE811150483
D-U-N-S number: 315531558
WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 57986696
Copyright 2025 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, Germany. All rights reserved.
Text, illustrations, graphics, sound, animations and videos, as well as their arrangement on this website, are subject to copyright and other protective legislation.
The contents of these websites may not be copied, distributed, modified or made available to third parties for commercial purposes. Certain of the illustrations on the website are further subject to third party copyright.
Unless otherwise specified, all trademarks on this website are protected by proprietary rights.This applies in particular to BSH brands, nameplates, corporate logos and emblems.
BSH is a trademark licensee of Robert Bosch GmbH for the Bosch brand and Siemens AG for the Siemens brand.
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, Carl-Wery-Strasse 34, 81739 Munich, Germany operates this website on behalf of the BSH entities in the following countries:
Country | Entity Name | Address | Data Protection E-Mail Address | ||||
Austria | BSH Hausgeräte Gesellschaft mbH | Quellenstr. 2 A, 1100 Vienna, Austria | | ||||
Belgium | BSH Home Appliances S.A. | Rue Picard 7, Box 400, 1000 Brussels, Belgium | | ||||
Bulgaria | BSH Domakinski Uredi Bulgaria EOOD | Business center FPI, floor 5, Cherni vrah Blvd. 51B, 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria | | ||||
Croatia | BSH kućanski uređaji d.o.o. | Ulica grada Vukovara 269f, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | | ||||
Cyprus | BSH Ikiakes Syskeves A.B.E | 17th km Ethnikis odon Athinon – Lamias & Potamou 20, 14564 Kifissia, Athens, Greece | | ||||
Czech Republic | BSH domácí spotřebiče s.r.o. | Radlická 350, Prague 5, 158 00, Czech Republic | | ||||
Denmark | BSH Hvidevarer A/S | Telegrafvej 4, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark | | ||||
Estonia | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Finland | BSH Kodinkoneet Oy | Itälahdenkatu 18, 00210 Helsinki, Finland | | ||||
France | BSH Electroménager S.A.S. | 26/28, Avenue Michelet, 93400 St. Ouen, France | | ||||
France | Gaggenau Industrie S.A.S | Rue Baudelaire, 67640 Lipsheim, France | | ||||
Germany | BSH Hausgeräte Service GmbH, Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH, Constructa-Neff Vertriebs-GmbH, Gaggenau Hausgeräte GmbH, Home Connect GmbH, SEG Hausgeräte GmbH | Carl-Wery-Str. 34, 81739 Munich Germany | | ||||
Greece | BSH Ikiakes Syskeves A.B.E | 17th km Ethnikis odon Athinon – Lamias & Potamou 20, 14564 Kifissia, Athens, Greece | | ||||
Hungary | BSH Háztartási Készülék Kereskedelmi Kft. | Árpád fejedelem útja 26-28, 1023 Budapest, Hungary | | ||||
Ireland | BSH Home Appliances Ltd. | Grand Union House, Old Wolverton Road, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom MK12 5PT | | ||||
Italy | BSH Elettrodomestici S.p.A. | Via M. Colonna, 35, 20149 Milan Italy | | ||||
Latvia | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Liechtenstein | BSH Hausgeräte AG | Fahrweidstr. 80, 8954 Geroldswil, Switzerland | | ||||
Lithuania | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Luxembourg | BSH Hausgeräte GmbH | Carl-Wery-Str. 34, 81739 Munich Germany | | ||||
Netherlands | BBSH Huishoudapparaten B.V. | Inspiratiehuis 20/20, Taurusavenue 36, 2132 LS Hoofddorp, The Netherlands | | ||||
Norway | BSH Husholdningsapparater A/S | Brynsveien 16, 0667 Oslo, Norway | | ||||
Poland | BSH Sprzet Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp. z o.o. | Al. Jerozolimskie 183, 02-222 Warsaw, Poland | | ||||
Portugal | BSHP Electrodomésticos, sociedade unipessoal, Lda. | Rua do Alto Montijo 15, 2790-012 Carnaxide, Portugal | | ||||
Romania | BSH Electrocasnice S.R.L. | 19-21 Bucuresti-Ploiesti Road, Baneasa Business Center, 1st floor, 013682, 1st District, Bucharest, Romania | | ||||
Slovakia | BSH domácí spotřebiče s.r.o. | Radlická 350, Prague 5, 158 00, Czech Republic | | ||||
Slovenia | BSH Hišni Aparati d.o.o Nazarje | Savinjska cesta 30, 3331 Nazarje, Slovenia | | ||||
Spain | BSH Electrodomésticos España, S.A. | Parque Empresarial PLA-ZA, Ronda del Canal Imperial, 18-20, Zaragoza, 50197, Spain | | ||||
Sweden | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Switzerland | BSH Hausgeräte AG | Fahrweidstr. 80, 8954 Geroldswil, Switzerland | | ||||
United Kingdom | BSH Home Appliances Ltd. | Grand Union House, Old Wolverton Road, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom MK12 5PT | | ||||
We, the relevant entity named above, provide you the data request services described herein and operate the connected websites. Please use the contact information provided in this Data Protection Information to contact us either generally or with specific data protection enquiries.
We take the protection of your data very seriously. We process your personal data with great care and in strict compliance with applicable data protection laws. We have taken organisational and technical security measures to protect all of our websites and apps against the potential risks present in processing personal data. Our partners who support us in the provision of the services must also comply with these provisions.
There are different laws that regulate Data Protection depending on the country in which you are located. In this instance, the European General Data Protection Regulation* (“GDPR”) sets out the basic principles and guidelines on how we process and protect your personal data when providing our website and the services offered there:
We only use personal data if such use is lawful. We are permitted to process your personal information in order to provide and to execute your data protection requests by law according to Article 6 (1c) GDPR.
Fairness and Transparency
We will inform you about the personal data we collect and why we collect it in a fair and transparent manner. This information is contained within the Data Protection Information which we provide to you directly or via a link when you register and/or at any touchpoint where you interact with us.
Users below the age of 16 should only share personal data with the consent of their parent or legal guardian. The data protection law that applies in your country may result in different age limits in this regard.
Purpose limitation and data minimisation, deletion
We only use personal data that we really need and for the purpose that you provided the personal data to us. If we can achieve the purpose with less personal data, we will only use the minimum data required. Nevertheless, at any time, you are free to provide additional personal data, if this would enhance your experience with the services provided.
We will store your request and our response for 6 years until the end of the calendar year in which we complied with your data request for documentation purposes. However, in cases where legal claims are pending or anticipated during that period, we will keep this information in accordance with the applicable statute of limitations period for that claim.
User Rights
You, as a consumer, may use the Consumer Request Form on this website to execute your user rights and to access your personal data. The data that you submit using the Consumer Request Form (relating to you or the third person you are representing) will be used to validate your identity and to action your data request.
Data Protection Officer
If you have any questions relating to data protection or exercising your rights, you can get in touch with our Data Protection Officer by post or email. The relevant postal address and email address are listed in the table above. Please address any communication for the attention of the Data Protection Officer.
Security, Data Transfers
We will process your data in a manner which ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures. If it is necessary to transfer personal data outside Europe, we ensure the specific legal transfer mechanisms are in place to cover this.
We also work with service providers to implement and operate our services. We have chosen these service providers carefully and there is a data protection agreement in place with each individual service provider to keep your information safe and to control the processing of your personal data.
The service providers we use to implement and operate our website are:
Provision of the Website itself
In order to display the website on your internet browser, we use various technical devices to ensure that all content (text, images, video, etc.) is up to date and displayed correctly in your browser. To ensure that your user experience, in particular the loading speed of the website, is efficient at all times, we also use technical service providers who enable us to provide the content required for the presentation of the website ("Content Delivery Networks" or CDN). These technical CDN service providers act on our behalf and are bound to our instructions by corresponding agreements. We use the data collected in this way to display the contents of the website in your internet browser and they are deleted immediately after intermediate storage within the scope of delivery.
For technical reasons, each time your internet browser accesses our website it automatically sends information to our web server (i.e. log data). We store some of this information in log files, such as:
The aforementioned log data does not contain personal data. We only analyse log data when required, for example, to remedy faults in the operation of our website or to manage security incidents.
In addition, it may be necessary for us to collect the full IP address of the device as well as log to remedy faults or preserve evidence relating to security incidents. We delete this data on remediation of the fault, full clarification of the security incident or if the original purpose of the processing is no longer required. In the event of a security incident, we will transmit log data to the investigating authorities on a case-by-case basis, to the extent permitted and necessary.
Technical Cookies
Cookies are short text files stored on the user’s device by a website. We only use cookies for the technical functioning of the website and we do not use any analytics or tracking tools. The cookies we use allow the correct functioning of the website, including the provision of the data request form. These are session cookies:
SECURE_GUID, STORE_SESSION_ID, Cookies with the prefix “TS” followed by a dynamic numeric ID provided for each session
Session cookies are cookies saved to your computer which are automatically deleted when you close your browser. As these cookies are strictly necessary for the performance of our website, we cannot provide the website without them.
Changes to this Data Protection Information
This Data Protection Information reflects the current state of data processing on our website. In the event of changes to data processing, this Data Protection Information will be updated accordingly. We always provide the latest version of this Data Protection Information on our website so that you can be informed about the scope of data processing on our website.
Valid from: 31.07.2022
Version: DPI_2.0
*REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, Carl-Wery-Strasse 34, 81739 Munich, Germany operates this website on behalf of the BSH entities in the following countries:
Country | Entity Name | Address | Data Protection E-Mail Address | ||||
Austria | BSH Hausgeräte Gesellschaft mbH | Quellenstr. 2 A, 1100 Vienna, Austria | | ||||
Belgium | BSH Home Appliances S.A. | Rue Picard 7, Box 400, 1000 Brussels, Belgium | | ||||
Bulgaria | BSH Domakinski Uredi Bulgaria EOOD | Business center FPI, floor 5, Cherni vrah Blvd. 51B, 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria | | ||||
Croatia | BSH kućanski uređaji d.o.o. | Ulica grada Vukovara 269f, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | | ||||
Cyprus | BSH Ikiakes Syskeves A.B.E | 17th km Ethnikis odon Athinon – Lamias & Potamou 20, 14564 Kifissia, Athens, Greece | | ||||
Czech Republic | BSH domácí spotřebiče s.r.o. | Radlická 350, Prague 5, 158 00, Czech Republic | | ||||
Denmark | BSH Hvidevarer A/S | Telegrafvej 4, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark | | ||||
Estonia | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Finland | BSH Kodinkoneet Oy | Itälahdenkatu 18, 00210 Helsinki, Finland | | ||||
France | BSH Electroménager S.A.S. | 26/28, Avenue Michelet, 93400 St. Ouen, France | | ||||
France | Gaggenau Industrie S.A.S | Rue Baudelaire, 67640 Lipsheim, France | | ||||
Germany | BSH Hausgeräte Service GmbH, Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH, Constructa-Neff Vertriebs-GmbH, Gaggenau Hausgeräte GmbH, Home Connect GmbH, SEG Hausgeräte GmbH | Carl-Wery-Str. 34, 81739 Munich Germany | | ||||
Greece | BSH Ikiakes Syskeves A.B.E | 17th km Ethnikis odon Athinon – Lamias & Potamou 20, 14564 Kifissia, Athens, Greece | | ||||
Hungary | BSH Háztartási Készülék Kereskedelmi Kft. | Árpád fejedelem útja 26-28, 1023 Budapest, Hungary | | ||||
Ireland | BSH Home Appliances Ltd. | Grand Union House, Old Wolverton Road, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom MK12 5PT | | ||||
Italy | BSH Elettrodomestici S.p.A. | Via M. Colonna, 35, 20149 Milan, Italy | | ||||
Latvia | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Liechtenstein | BSH Hausgeräte AG | Fahrweidstr. 80, 8954 Geroldswil, Switzerland | | ||||
Lithuania | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Luxembourg | BSH Hausgeräte GmbH | Carl-Wery-Str. 34, 81739 Munich Germany | | ||||
Netherlands | BBSH Huishoudapparaten B.V. | Inspiratiehuis 20/20, Taurusavenue 36, 2132 LS Hoofddorp, The Netherlands | | ||||
Norway | BSH Husholdningsapparater A/S | Brynsveien 16, 0667 Oslo, Norway | | ||||
Poland | BSH Sprzet Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp. z o.o. | Al. Jerozolimskie 183, 02-222 Warsaw, Poland | | ||||
Portugal | BSHP Electrodomésticos, sociedade unipessoal, Lda. | Rua do Alto Montijo 15, 2790-012 Carnaxide, Portugal | | ||||
Romania | BSH Electrocasnice S.R.L. | 19-21 Bucuresti-Ploiesti Road, Baneasa Business Center, 1st floor, 013682, 1st District, Bucharest, Romania | | ||||
Slovakia | BSH domácí spotřebiče s.r.o. | Radlická 350, Prague 5, 158 00, Czech Republic | | ||||
Slovenia | BSH Hišni Aparati d.o.o Nazarje | Savinjska cesta 30, 3331 Nazarje, Slovenia | | ||||
Spain | BSH Electrodomésticos España, S.A. | Parque Empresarial PLA-ZA, Ronda del Canal Imperial, 18-20, Zaragoza, 50197, Spain | | ||||
Sweden | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Switzerland | BSH Hausgeräte AG | Fahrweidstr. 80, 8954 Geroldswil, Switzerland | | ||||
United Kingdom | BSH Home Appliances Ltd. | Grand Union House, Old Wolverton Road, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom MK12 5PT | | ||||
We, the relevant entity named above, provide you the data request services described herein and operate the connected websites. Please use the contact information provided in this Data Protection Information to contact us either generally or with specific data protection enquiries.
We take the protection of your data very seriously. We process your personal data with great care and in strict compliance with applicable data protection laws. We have taken organisational and technical security measures to protect all of our websites and apps against the potential risks present in processing personal data. Our partners who support us in the provision of the services must also comply with these provisions.
There are different laws that regulate Data Protection depending on the country in which you are located. In this instance, the European General Data Protection Regulation* (“GDPR”) sets out the basic principles and guidelines on how we process and protect your personal data when providing our website and the services offered there:
We only use personal data if such use is lawful. We are permitted to process your personal information in order to provide and to execute your data protection requests by law according to Article 6 (1c) GDPR.
Fairness and Transparency
We will inform you about the personal data we collect and why we collect it in a fair and transparent manner. This information is contained within the Data Protection Information which we provide to you directly or via a link when you register and/or at any touchpoint where you interact with us.
Users below the age of 16 should only share personal data with the consent of their parent or legal guardian. The data protection law that applies in your country may result in different age limits in this regard.
Purpose limitation and data minimisation, deletion
We only use personal data that we really need and for the purpose that you provided the personal data to us. If we can achieve the purpose with less personal data, we will only use the minimum data required. Nevertheless, at any time, you are free to provide additional personal data, if this would enhance your experience with the services provided.
We will store your request and our response for the time period as identified on each country website for the respective country until the end of the calendar year in which we complied with your data request for documentation purposes. However, in cases where legal claims are pending or anticipated during that period, we will keep this information in accordance with the applicable statute of limitations period for that claim.
User Rights
You, as a consumer, may use the Consumer Request Form on this website to execute your user rights and to access your personal data. The data that you submit using the Consumer Request Form (relating to you or the third person you are representing) will be used to validate your identity and to action your data request.
Data Protection Officer
If you have any questions relating to data protection or exercising your rights, you can get in touch with our Data Protection Officer by post or email. The relevant postal address and email address are listed in the table above. Please address any communication for the attention of the Data Protection Officer.
Security, Data Transfers
We will process your data in a manner which ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures. If it is necessary to transfer personal data outside Europe, we ensure the specific legal transfer mechanisms are in place to cover this.
We also work with service providers to implement and operate our services. We have chosen these service providers carefully and there is a data protection agreement in place with each individual service provider to keep your information safe and to control the processing of your personal data.
The service providers we use to implement and operate our website are:
Provision of the Website itself
In order to display the website on your internet browser, we use various technical devices to ensure that all content (text, images, video, etc.) is up to date and displayed correctly in your browser. To ensure that your user experience, in particular the loading speed of the website, is efficient at all times, we also use technical service providers who enable us to provide the content required for the presentation of the website ("Content Delivery Networks" or “CDN”). These technical CDN service providers act on our behalf and are bound to our instructions by corresponding agreements. We use the data collected in this way to display the contents of the website in your internet browser and they are deleted immediately after intermediate storage within the scope of delivery.
For technical reasons, each time your internet browser accesses our website it automatically sends information to our web server (i.e. log data). We store some of this information in log files, such as:
The aforementioned log data does not contain personal data. We only analyse log data when required, for example, to remedy faults in the operation of our website or to manage security incidents.
In addition, it may be necessary for us to collect the full IP address of the device as well as log to remedy faults or preserve evidence relating to security incidents. We delete this data on remediation of the fault, full clarification of the security incident or if the original purpose of the processing is no longer required. In the event of a security incident, we will transmit log data to the investigating authorities on a case-by-case basis, to the extent permitted and necessary.
Technical Cookies
Cookies are short text files stored on the user’s device by a website. We only use cookies for the technical functioning of the website and we do not use any analytics or tracking tools. The cookies we use allow the correct functioning of the website, including the provision of the data request form. These are session cookies:
SECURE_GUID, STORE_SESSION_ID, Cookies with the prefix “TS” followed by a dynamic numeric ID provided for each session
Session cookies are cookies saved to your computer which are automatically deleted when you close your browser. As these cookies are strictly necessary for the performance of our website, we cannot provide the website without them.
Changes to this Data Protection Information
This Data Protection Information reflects the current state of data processing on our website. In the event of changes to data processing, this Data Protection Information will be updated accordingly. We always provide the latest version of this Data Protection Information on our website so that you can be informed about the scope of data processing on our website.
Valid from: 31.07.2022
Version: DPI_2.0
*REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, Carl-Wery-Strasse 34, 81739 Munich, Germany operates this website on behalf of the BSH entities in the following countries:
Country | Entity Name | Address | Data Protection E-Mail Address | ||||
Austria | BSH Hausgeräte Gesellschaft mbH | Quellenstr. 2 A, 1100 Vienna, Austria | | ||||
Belgium | BSH Home Appliances S.A. | Rue Picard 7, Box 400, 1000 Brussels, Belgium | | ||||
Bulgaria | BSH Domakinski Uredi Bulgaria EOOD | Business center FPI, floor 5, Cherni vrah Blvd. 51B, 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria | | ||||
Croatia | BSH kućanski uređaji d.o.o. | Ulica grada Vukovara 269f, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | | ||||
Cyprus | BSH Ikiakes Syskeves A.B.E | 17th km Ethnikis odon Athinon – Lamias & Potamou 20, 14564 Kifissia, Athens, Greece | | ||||
Czech Republic | BSH domácí spotřebiče s.r.o. | Radlická 350, Prague 5, 158 00, Czech Republic | | ||||
Denmark | BSH Hvidevarer A/S | Telegrafvej 4, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark | | ||||
Estonia | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Finland | BSH Kodinkoneet Oy | Itälahdenkatu 18, 00210 Helsinki, Finland | | ||||
France | BSH Electroménager S.A.S. | 26/28, Avenue Michelet, 93400 St. Ouen, France | | ||||
France | Gaggenau Industrie S.A.S | Rue Baudelaire, 67640 Lipsheim, France | | ||||
Germany | BSH Hausgeräte Service GmbH, Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH, Constructa-Neff Vertriebs-GmbH, Gaggenau Hausgeräte GmbH, Home Connect GmbH, SEG Hausgeräte GmbH | Carl-Wery-Str. 34, 81739 Munich Germany | | ||||
Greece | BSH Ikiakes Syskeves A.B.E | 17th km Ethnikis odon Athinon – Lamias & Potamou 20, 14564 Kifissia, Athens, Greece | | ||||
Hungary | BSH Háztartási Készülék Kereskedelmi Kft. | Árpád fejedelem útja 26-28, 1023 Budapest, Hungary | | ||||
Ireland | BSH Home Appliances Ltd. | Grand Union House, Old Wolverton Road, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom MK12 5PT | | ||||
Italy | BSH Elettrodomestici S.p.A. | Via M. Colonna, 35, 20149 Milan, Italy | | ||||
Latvia | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Liechtenstein | BSH Hausgeräte AG | Fahrweidstr. 80, 8954 Geroldswil, Switzerland | | ||||
Lithuania | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Luxembourg | BSH Hausgeräte GmbH | Carl-Wery-Str. 34, 81739 Munich Germany | | ||||
Netherlands | BBSH Huishoudapparaten B.V. | Inspiratiehuis 20/20, Taurusavenue 36, 2132 LS Hoofddorp, The Netherlands | | ||||
Norway | BSH Husholdningsapparater A/S | Brynsveien 16, 0667 Oslo, Norway | | ||||
Poland | BSH Sprzet Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp. z o.o. | Al. Jerozolimskie 183, 02-222 Warsaw, Poland | | ||||
Portugal | BSHP Electrodomésticos, sociedade unipessoal, Lda. | Rua do Alto Montijo 15, 2790-012 Carnaxide, Portugal | | ||||
Romania | BSH Electrocasnice S.R.L. | 19-21 Bucuresti-Ploiesti Road, Baneasa Business Center, 1st floor, 013682, 1st District, Bucharest, Romania | | ||||
Slovakia | BSH domácí spotřebiče s.r.o. | Radlická 350, Prague 5, 158 00, Czech Republic | | ||||
Slovenia | BSH Hišni Aparati d.o.o Nazarje | Savinjska cesta 30, 3331 Nazarje, Slovenia | | ||||
Spain | BSH Electrodomésticos España, S.A. | Parque Empresarial PLA-ZA, Ronda del Canal Imperial, 18-20, Zaragoza, 50197, Spain | | ||||
Sweden | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Switzerland | BSH Hausgeräte AG | Fahrweidstr. 80, 8954 Geroldswil, Switzerland | | ||||
United Kingdom | BSH Home Appliances Ltd. | Grand Union House, Old Wolverton Road, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom MK12 5PT | | ||||
We, the relevant entity named above, provide you the data request services described herein and operate the connected websites. Please use the contact information provided in this Data Protection Information to contact us either generally or with specific data protection enquiries.
We take the protection of your data very seriously. We process your personal data with great care and in strict compliance with applicable data protection laws. We have taken organisational and technical security measures to protect all of our websites and apps against the potential risks present in processing personal data. Our partners who support us in the provision of the services must also comply with these provisions.
There are different laws that regulate Data Protection depending on the country in which you are located. In this instance, the European General Data Protection Regulation* (“GDPR”) sets out the basic principles and guidelines on how we process and protect your personal data when providing our website and the services offered there:
We only use personal data if such use is lawful. We are permitted to process your personal information in order to provide and to execute your data protection requests by law according to Article 6 (1c) GDPR.
Fairness and Transparency
We will inform you about the personal data we collect and why we collect it in a fair and transparent manner. This information is contained within the Data Protection Information which we provide to you directly or via a link when you register and/or at any touchpoint where you interact with us.
Users below the age of 16 should only share personal data with the consent of their parent or legal guardian. The data protection law that applies in your country may result in different age limits in this regard.
Purpose limitation and data minimisation, deletion
We only use personal data that we really need and for the purpose that you provided the personal data to us. If we can achieve the purpose with less personal data, we will only use the minimum data required. Nevertheless, at any time, you are free to provide additional personal data, if this would enhance your experience with the services provided.
We will store your request and our response for 6 years until the end of the calendar year in which we complied with your data request for documentation purposes. However, in cases where legal claims are pending or anticipated during that period, we will keep this information in accordance with the applicable statute of limitations period for that claim.
User Rights
You, as a consumer, may use the Consumer Request Form on this website to execute your user rights and to access your personal data. The data that you submit using the Consumer Request Form (relating to you or the third person you are representing) will be used to validate your identity and to action your data request.
Data Protection Officer
If you have any questions relating to data protection or exercising your rights, you can get in touch with our Data Protection Officer by post or email. The relevant postal address and email address are listed in the table above. Please address any communication for the attention of the Data Protection Officer.
Security, Data Transfers
We will process your data in a manner which ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures. If it is necessary to transfer personal data outside Europe, we ensure the specific legal transfer mechanisms are in place to cover this.
We also work with service providers to implement and operate our services. We have chosen these service providers carefully and there is a data protection agreement in place with each individual service provider to keep your information safe and to control the processing of your personal data.
The service providers we use to implement and operate our website are:
Provision of the Website itself
In order to display the website on your internet browser, we use various technical devices to ensure that all content (text, images, video, etc.) is up to date and displayed correctly in your browser. To ensure that your user experience, in particular the loading speed of the website, is efficient at all times, we also use technical service providers who enable us to provide the content required for the presentation of the website ("Content Delivery Networks" or CDN). These technical CDN service providers act on our behalf and are bound to our instructions by corresponding agreements. We use the data collected in this way to display the contents of the website in your internet browser and they are deleted immediately after intermediate storage within the scope of delivery.
For technical reasons, each time your internet browser accesses our website it automatically sends information to our web server (i.e. log data). We store some of this information in log files, such as:
The aforementioned log data does not contain personal data. We only analyse log data when required, for example, to remedy faults in the operation of our website or to manage security incidents.
In addition, it may be necessary for us to collect the full IP address of the device as well as log to remedy faults or preserve evidence relating to security incidents. We delete this data on remediation of the fault, full clarification of the security incident or if the original purpose of the processing is no longer required. In the event of a security incident, we will transmit log data to the investigating authorities on a case-by-case basis, to the extent permitted and necessary.
Technical Cookies
Cookies are short text files stored on the user’s device by a website. We only use cookies for the technical functioning of the website and we do not use any analytics or tracking tools. The cookies we use allow the correct functioning of the website, including the provision of the data request form. These are session cookies:
SECURE_GUID, STORE_SESSION_ID, Cookies with the prefix “TS” followed by a dynamic numeric ID provided for each session
Session cookies are cookies saved to your computer which are automatically deleted when you close your browser. As these cookies are strictly necessary for the performance of our website, we cannot provide the website without them.
Changes to this Data Protection Information
This Data Protection Information reflects the current state of data processing on our website. In the event of changes to data processing, this Data Protection Information will be updated accordingly. We always provide the latest version of this Data Protection Information on our website so that you can be informed about the scope of data processing on our website.
Valid from: 31.07.2022
Version: DPI_2.0
*REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, Carl-Wery-Strasse 34, 81739 Munich, Germany operates this website on behalf of the BSH entities in the following countries:
Country | Entity Name | Address | Data Protection E-Mail Address | ||||
Austria | BSH Hausgeräte Gesellschaft mbH | Quellenstr. 2 A, 1100 Vienna, Austria | | ||||
Belgium | BSH Home Appliances S.A. | Rue Picard 7, Box 400, 1000 Brussels, Belgium | | ||||
Bulgaria | BSH Domakinski Uredi Bulgaria EOOD | Business center FPI, floor 5, Cherni vrah Blvd. 51B, 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria | | ||||
Croatia | BSH kućanski uređaji d.o.o. | Ulica grada Vukovara 269f, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | | ||||
Cyprus | BSH Ikiakes Syskeves A.B.E | 17th km Ethnikis odon Athinon – Lamias & Potamou 20, 14564 Kifissia, Athens, Greece | | ||||
Czech Republic | BSH domácí spotřebiče s.r.o. | Radlická 350, Prague 5, 158 00, Czech Republic | | ||||
Denmark | BSH Hvidevarer A/S | Telegrafvej 4, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark | | ||||
Estonia | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Finland | BSH Kodinkoneet Oy | Itälahdenkatu 18, 00210 Helsinki, Finland | | ||||
France | BSH Electroménager S.A.S. | 26/28, Avenue Michelet, 93400 St. Ouen, France | | ||||
France | Gaggenau Industrie S.A.S | Rue Baudelaire, 67640 Lipsheim, France | | ||||
Germany | BSH Hausgeräte Service GmbH, Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH, Constructa-Neff Vertriebs-GmbH, Gaggenau Hausgeräte GmbH, Home Connect GmbH, SEG Hausgeräte GmbH | Carl-Wery-Str. 34, 81739 Munich Germany | | ||||
Greece | BSH Ikiakes Syskeves A.B.E | 17th km Ethnikis odon Athinon – Lamias & Potamou 20, 14564 Kifissia, Athens, Greece | | ||||
Hungary | BSH Háztartási Készülék Kereskedelmi Kft. | Árpád fejedelem útja 26-28, 1023 Budapest, Hungary | | ||||
Ireland | BSH Home Appliances Ltd. | Grand Union House, Old Wolverton Road, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom MK12 5PT | | ||||
Italy | BSH Elettrodomestici S.p.A. | Via M. Colonna, 35, 20149 Milan, Italy | | ||||
Latvia | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Liechtenstein | BSH Hausgeräte AG | Fahrweidstr. 80, 8954 Geroldswil, Switzerland | | ||||
Lithuania | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Luxembourg | BSH Hausgeräte GmbH | Carl-Wery-Str. 34, 81739 Munich Germany | | ||||
Netherlands | BBSH Huishoudapparaten B.V. | Inspiratiehuis 20/20, Taurusavenue 36, 2132 LS Hoofddorp, The Netherlands | | ||||
Norway | BSH Husholdningsapparater A/S | Brynsveien 16, 0667 Oslo, Norway | | ||||
Poland | BSH Sprzet Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp. z o.o. | Al. Jerozolimskie 183, 02-222 Warsaw, Poland | | ||||
Portugal | BSHP Electrodomésticos, sociedade unipessoal, Lda. | Rua do Alto Montijo 15, 2790-012 Carnaxide, Portugal | | ||||
Romania | BSH Electrocasnice S.R.L. | 19-21 Bucuresti-Ploiesti Road, Baneasa Business Center, 1st floor, 013682, 1st District, Bucharest, Romania | | ||||
Slovakia | BSH domácí spotřebiče s.r.o. | Radlická 350, Prague 5, 158 00, Czech Republic | | ||||
Slovenia | BSH Hišni Aparati d.o.o Nazarje | Savinjska cesta 30, 3331 Nazarje, Slovenia | | ||||
Spain | BSH Electrodomésticos España, S.A. | Parque Empresarial PLA-ZA, Ronda del Canal Imperial, 18-20, Zaragoza, 50197, Spain | | ||||
Sweden | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Switzerland | BSH Hausgeräte AG | Fahrweidstr. 80, 8954 Geroldswil, Switzerland | | ||||
United Kingdom | BSH Home Appliances Ltd. | Grand Union House, Old Wolverton Road, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom MK12 5PT | | ||||
We, the relevant entity named above, provide you the data request services described herein and operate the connected websites. Please use the contact information provided in this Data Protection Information to contact us either generally or with specific data protection enquiries.
We take the protection of your data very seriously. We process your personal data with great care and in strict compliance with applicable data protection laws. We have taken organisational and technical security measures to protect all of our websites and apps against the potential risks present in processing personal data. Our partners who support us in the provision of the services must also comply with these provisions.
There are different laws that regulate Data Protection depending on the country in which you are located. In this instance, the European General Data Protection Regulation* (“GDPR”) sets out the basic principles and guidelines on how we process and protect your personal data when providing our website and the services offered there:
We only use personal data if such use is lawful. We are permitted to process your personal information in order to provide and to execute your data protection requests by law according to Article 6 (1c) GDPR.
Fairness and Transparency
We will inform you about the personal data we collect and why we collect it in a fair and transparent manner. This information is contained within the Data Protection Information which we provide to you directly or via a link when you register and/or at any touchpoint where you interact with us.
Users below the age of 16 should only share personal data with the consent of their parent or legal guardian. The data protection law that applies in your country may result in different age limits in this regard.
Purpose limitation and data minimisation, deletion
We only use personal data that we really need and for the purpose that you provided the personal data to us. If we can achieve the purpose with less personal data, we will only use the minimum data required. Nevertheless, at any time, you are free to provide additional personal data, if this would enhance your experience with the services provided.
We will store your request and our response for 5 years until the end of the calendar year in which we complied with your data request for documentation purposes. However, in cases where legal claims are pending or anticipated during that period, we will keep this information in accordance with the applicable statute of limitations period for that claim.
User Rights
You, as a consumer, may use the Consumer Request Form on this website to execute your user rights and to access your personal data. The data that you submit using the Consumer Request Form (relating to you or the third person you are representing) will be used to validate your identity and to action your data request.
Data Protection Officer
If you have any questions relating to data protection or exercising your rights, you can get in touch with our Data Protection Officer by post or email. The relevant postal address and email address are listed in the table above. Please address any communication for the attention of the Data Protection Officer.
Security, Data Transfers
We will process your data in a manner which ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures. If it is necessary to transfer personal data outside Europe, we ensure the specific legal transfer mechanisms are in place to cover this.
We also work with service providers to implement and operate our services. We have chosen these service providers carefully and there is a data protection agreement in place with each individual service provider to keep your information safe and to control the processing of your personal data.
The service providers we use to implement and operate our website are:
Provision of the Website itself
In order to display the website on your internet browser, we use various technical devices to ensure that all content (text, images, video, etc.) is up to date and displayed correctly in your browser. To ensure that your user experience, in particular the loading speed of the website, is efficient at all times, we also use technical service providers who enable us to provide the content required for the presentation of the website ("Content Delivery Networks" or “CDN”). These technical CDN service providers act on our behalf and are bound to our instructions by corresponding agreements. We use the data collected in this way to display the contents of the website in your internet browser and they are deleted immediately after intermediate storage within the scope of delivery.
For technical reasons, each time your internet browser accesses our website it automatically sends information to our web server (i.e. log data). We store some of this information in log files, such as:
The aforementioned log data does not contain personal data. We only analyse log data when required, for example, to remedy faults in the operation of our website or to manage security incidents.
In addition, it may be necessary for us to collect the full IP address of the device as well as log to remedy faults or preserve evidence relating to security incidents. We delete this data on remediation of the fault, full clarification of the security incident or if the original purpose of the processing is no longer required. In the event of a security incident, we will transmit log data to the investigating authorities on a case-by-case basis, to the extent permitted and necessary.
Technical Cookies
Cookies are short text files stored on the user’s device by a website. We only use cookies for the technical functioning of the website and we do not use any analytics or tracking tools. The cookies we use allow the correct functioning of the website, including the provision of the data request form. These are session cookies:
SECURE_GUID, STORE_SESSION_ID, Cookies with the prefix “TS” followed by a dynamic numeric ID provided for each session
Session cookies are cookies saved to your computer which are automatically deleted when you close your browser. As these cookies are strictly necessary for the performance of our website, we cannot provide the website without them.
Changes to this Data Protection Information
This Data Protection Information reflects the current state of data processing on our website. In the event of changes to data processing, this Data Protection Information will be updated accordingly. We always provide the latest version of this Data Protection Information on our website so that you can be informed about the scope of data processing on our website.
Valid from: 31.07.2022
Version: DPI_2.0
*REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, Carl-Wery-Strasse 34, 81739 Munich, Germany operates this website on behalf of the BSH entities in the following countries:
Country | Entity Name | Address | Data Protection E-Mail Address | ||||
Austria | BSH Hausgeräte Gesellschaft mbH | Quellenstr. 2 A, 1100 Vienna, Austria | | ||||
Belgium | BSH Home Appliances S.A. | Rue Picard 7, Box 400, 1000 Brussels, Belgium | | ||||
Bulgaria | BSH Domakinski Uredi Bulgaria EOOD | Business center FPI, floor 5, Cherni vrah Blvd. 51B, 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria | | ||||
Croatia | BSH kućanski uređaji d.o.o. | Ulica grada Vukovara 269f, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | | ||||
Cyprus | BSH Ikiakes Syskeves A.B.E | 17th km Ethnikis odon Athinon – Lamias & Potamou 20, 14564 Kifissia, Athens, Greece | | ||||
Czech Republic | BSH domácí spotřebiče s.r.o. | Radlická 350, Prague 5, 158 00, Czech Republic | | ||||
Denmark | BSH Hvidevarer A/S | Telegrafvej 4, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark | | ||||
Estonia | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Finland | BSH Kodinkoneet Oy | Itälahdenkatu 18, 00210 Helsinki, Finland | | ||||
France | BSH Electroménager S.A.S. | 26/28, Avenue Michelet, 93400 St. Ouen, France | | ||||
France | Gaggenau Industrie S.A.S | Rue Baudelaire, 67640 Lipsheim, France | | ||||
Germany | BSH Hausgeräte Service GmbH, Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH, Constructa-Neff Vertriebs-GmbH, Gaggenau Hausgeräte GmbH, Home Connect GmbH, SEG Hausgeräte GmbH | Carl-Wery-Str. 34, 81739 Munich Germany | | ||||
Greece | BSH Ikiakes Syskeves A.B.E | 17th km Ethnikis odon Athinon – Lamias & Potamou 20, 14564 Kifissia, Athens, Greece | | ||||
Hungary | BSH Háztartási Készülék Kereskedelmi Kft. | Árpád fejedelem útja 26-28, 1023 Budapest, Hungary | | ||||
Ireland | BSH Home Appliances Ltd. | Grand Union House, Old Wolverton Road, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom MK12 5PT | | ||||
Italy | BSH Elettrodomestici S.p.A. | Via M. Colonna, 35, 20149 Milan, Italy | | ||||
Latvia | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Liechtenstein | BSH Hausgeräte AG | Fahrweidstr. 80, 8954 Geroldswil, Switzerland | | ||||
Lithuania | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Luxembourg | BSH Hausgeräte GmbH | Carl-Wery-Str. 34, 81739 Munich Germany | | ||||
Netherlands | BBSH Huishoudapparaten B.V. | Inspiratiehuis 20/20, Taurusavenue 36, 2132 LS Hoofddorp, The Netherlands | | ||||
Norway | BSH Husholdningsapparater A/S | Brynsveien 16, 0667 Oslo, Norway | | ||||
Poland | BSH Sprzet Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp. z o.o. | Al. Jerozolimskie 183, 02-222 Warsaw, Poland | | ||||
Portugal | BSHP Electrodomésticos, sociedade unipessoal, Lda. | Rua do Alto Montijo 15, 2790-012 Carnaxide, Portugal | | ||||
Romania | BSH Electrocasnice S.R.L. | 19-21 Bucuresti-Ploiesti Road, Baneasa Business Center, 1st floor, 013682, 1st District, Bucharest, Romania | | ||||
Slovakia | BSH domácí spotřebiče s.r.o. | Radlická 350, Prague 5, 158 00, Czech Republic | | ||||
Slovenia | BSH Hišni Aparati d.o.o Nazarje | Savinjska cesta 30, 3331 Nazarje, Slovenia | | ||||
Spain | BSH Electrodomésticos España, S.A. | Parque Empresarial PLA-ZA, Ronda del Canal Imperial, 18-20, Zaragoza, 50197, Spain | | ||||
Sweden | BSH Home Appliances AB | Landsvägen 32, 16929 Solna, Sweden | | ||||
Switzerland | BSH Hausgeräte AG | Fahrweidstr. 80, 8954 Geroldswil, Switzerland | | ||||
United Kingdom | BSH Home Appliances Ltd. | Grand Union House, Old Wolverton Road, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom MK12 5PT | | ||||
We, the relevant entity named above, provide you the data request services described herein and operate the connected websites. Please use the contact information provided in this Data Protection Information to contact us either generally or with specific data protection enquiries.
We take the protection of your data very seriously. We process your personal data with great care and in strict compliance with applicable data protection laws. We have taken organisational and technical security measures to protect all of our websites and apps against the potential risks present in processing personal data. Our partners who support us in the provision of the services must also comply with these provisions.
There are different laws that regulate Data Protection depending on the country in which you are located. In this instance, the European General Data Protection Regulation* (“GDPR”) sets out the basic principles and guidelines on how we process and protect your personal data when providing our website and the services offered there:
We only use personal data if such use is lawful. We are permitted to process your personal information in order to provide and to execute your data protection requests by law according to Article 6 (1c) GDPR.
Fairness and Transparency
We will inform you about the personal data we collect and why we collect it in a fair and transparent manner. This information is contained within the Data Protection Information which we provide to you directly or via a link when you register and/or at any touchpoint where you interact with us.
Users below the age of 16 should only share personal data with the consent of their parent or legal guardian. The data protection law that applies in your country may result in different age limits in this regard.
Purpose limitation and data minimisation, deletion
We only use personal data that we really need and for the purpose that you provided the personal data to us. If we can achieve the purpose with less personal data, we will only use the minimum data required. Nevertheless, at any time, you are free to provide additional personal data, if this would enhance your experience with the services provided.
We will store your request and our response for 5 years until the end of the calendar year in which we complied with your data request for documentation purposes. However, in cases where legal claims are pending or anticipated during that period, we will keep this information in accordance with the applicable statute of limitations period for that claim.
User Rights
You, as a consumer, may use the Consumer Request Form on this website to execute your user rights and to access your personal data. The data that you submit using the Consumer Request Form (relating to you or the third person you are representing) will be used to validate your identity and to action your data request.
Data Protection Officer
If you have any questions relating to data protection or exercising your rights, you can get in touch with our Data Protection Officer by post or email. The relevant postal address and email address are listed in the table above. Please address any communication for the attention of the Data Protection Officer.
Security, Data Transfers
We will process your data in a manner which ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures. If it is necessary to transfer personal data outside Europe, we ensure the specific legal transfer mechanisms are in place to cover this.
We also work with service providers to implement and operate our services. We have chosen these service providers carefully and there is a data protection agreement in place with each individual service provider to keep your information safe and to control the processing of your personal data.
The service providers we use to implement and operate our website are:
Provision of the Website itself
In order to display the website on your internet browser, we use various technical devices to ensure that all content (text, images, video, etc.) is up to date and displayed correctly in your browser. To ensure that your user experience, in particular the loading speed of the website, is efficient at all times, we also use technical service providers who enable us to provide the content required for the presentation of the website ("Content Delivery Networks" or “CDN”). These technical CDN service providers act on our behalf and are bound to our instructions by corresponding agreements. We use the data collected in this way to display the contents of the website in your internet browser and they are deleted immediately after intermediate storage within the scope of delivery.
For technical reasons, each time your internet browser accesses our website it automatically sends information to our web server (i.e. log data). We store some of this information in log files, such as:
The aforementioned log data does not contain personal data. We only analyse log data when required, for example, to remedy faults in the operation of our website or to manage security incidents.
In addition, it may be necessary for us to collect the full IP address of the device as well as log to remedy faults or preserve evidence relating to security incidents. We delete this data on remediation of the fault, full clarification of the security incident or if the original purpose of the processing is no longer required. In the event of a security incident, we will transmit log data to the investigating authorities on a case-by-case basis, to the extent permitted and necessary.
Technical Cookies
Cookies are short text files stored on the user’s device by a website. We only use cookies for the technical functioning of the website and we do not use any analytics or tracking tools. The cookies we use allow the correct functioning of the website, including the provision of the data request form. These are session cookies:
SECURE_GUID, STORE_SESSION_ID, Cookies with the prefix “TS” followed by a dynamic numeric ID provided for each session
Session cookies are cookies saved to your computer which are automatically deleted when you close your browser. As these cookies are strictly necessary for the performance of our website, we cannot provide the website without them.
Changes to this Data Protection Information
This Data Protection Information reflects the current state of data processing on our website. In the event of changes to data processing, this Data Protection Information will be updated accordingly. We always provide the latest version of this Data Protection Information on our website so that you can be informed about the scope of data processing on our website.
Valid from: 31.07.2022
Version: DPI_2.0
*REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC